Saturday, October 3, 2015

Conditioning cycle

This cycle will begin Oct 5th and end Oct 31st. You will notice that this cycle is drastically different than the last cycle we just competed. Our last cycle was focused on the fact that we had a large number of pole competing in meets. Now we are effectively in an offseason since no one wants to pay to go to the American Open.
That being said we will be working on a little more GPP this cycle. We will give your joints a little bit of a rest (relatively speaking) and get your heart rate uncomfortably high. Those of you who are going to the State Championship will be fine to jump in to the cycle on the 12th so don't have an aneurysm when you see this.

Special notes to REMEMBER

  • All the P's in the acronyms stand for PERFECT not possible 
  • Each set must be perfect to move on to next set. For example let's say I am on my first set of 5 for my 5x5 snatches. I do 3 perfect snatches and my 4th one is crap. Even if I make the crap snatch I still have to start the set over and complete 5 perfect reps. If you're just not feeling it that day and it's not coming together at 80% then feel free to drop back a little on the weight. The goal though is to end up with at least 25 perfect snatches or cleans at 80% by the end of the cycle.  
  • Remember if you are lifting somewhere without a coach you have to budget your time since this cycle doesn't have time domains. (Don't worry they will be back) After your warm up each day should take no longer than 90 min so keep that in mind.
  • Don't think just feel.
  • Presence is intensity.

5x5 snatch 80%
3x3, 3x1 hang snatch 3's 70% 1's at 85%
5x3 snatch balance set1 60% set2 75% set3 88%
21's RDL snatch grip deadlift AHAP

5x5 clean 80%
3x3, 3x1 hang clean 3's 70% 1's at 85%
10x10 clean pulls w/ 3 sec pause at knee AHAP
3x Max effort overhead hold at 55% of jerk max (jerk grip)

5x5 split jerk 80%
4x8 push jerk AHAP
3x8 Kang squats AHAP
3 rounds
10 box jumps 
20 clapping push ups
10 Shoulder press @ 60%

5x5, 3x8 front squat AHAP (Focus on perfect posture)
20 clean&jerk @ 60%
20 snatch 60%
3x 500 meter sprint
3x Max effort overhead hold at 55% snatch max (snatch grip)

30 min Max for day on snatch and clean and jerk 
Week 1=4's week 2=3's etc
15 min 5x5 overhead squats
4 rounds 
20 pull ups
30 burpees 
40 sit ups

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