Every published program is contained on this page for your convenience
4 Weeks
4 Weeks
4 Weeks
5 minute EMOM
3 snatch 75%
5 minute EMOM
2 snatch 85%
5 minute EMOM
1 snatch 90%
3 rounds
21's Snatch grip RDL
30 GHD back extensions
15 OHS @ 80% snatch max
100 sit ups
5 minute EMOM
3 clean 75%
5 minute EMOM
2 clean 85%
5 minute EMOM
1 clean 90%
3x5 Clean deadlift 3 sec pause at center of knee cap (bar is the think was of a credit card from your lets the whole pull)
4 rounds
8 Front squat
12 Back squat
16 Inverted ring rows (hang rings from pull up bar then prop up feet so they are slightly higher than you hands, like and inch or two. Then it's just like a ring row....but way harder)
*Squats must be unbroken
40 seconds on 20 seconds off
8 rounds
3 min plank
5 minute EMOM
3 jerk 75%
5 minute EMOM
2 jerk 85%
5 minute EMOM
1 jerk 90%
3x10 shoulder press (hold for 2 seconds at the top every rep)
3x8 BTN push press (hold for 2 seconds at the top every rep)
3x10 triceps kickback (hold for 2 seconds at the end every rep)
3 minute tabata
Shoulder press
3 minute tabata
Push press
3 minute tabata
Push jerk
Use no more than 55lb for the these tabatas these are meant to be done back to back to back with no rest. If you set your tabata timer to 18 rounds you will just do 6 rounds at each station
5minute dead bug the entire spine must stay in contact with the floor the entire 5 minutes. That means you shouldn't be able to fit anything between your lower back and the floor.
No maxing just hit the following reps and percentages for both snatch and clean and jerk.
That means you work all the way through with snatch then you start over and do it again with snatch. Repeat with clean and jerk.
100 toes to bar
All are AHAP except bench
5x10 Hip thrusts (drive through quickly then lower as slowly as possible at least a 2 count)
5x8 Reverse lunges back rack
5x5 Back squat
6x10 Bench press (smooth and perfect this should be about 70% effort. We are looking at keeping all sides of the joint healthy here)
5x8 Bent over upright row (you should be about half way between a bent over row and an upright row. The bar will make contact at about the bottom of your sternum.
Deload week
4 Weeks
For the EMOMs on monday and wednesday do at least 90% but do 100% if you can.
5x1 power snatch+1 snatch AHAP
Work to a max power snatch for the day
10 min EMOM
2 snatch @90% of your power snatch max for the day
3x8 panda pull
3x3 tall snatch
3x8 shoulder press+max unbroken push press
5x1 power snatch+1 snatch AHAP
Work to a max power snatch for the day
10 min EMOM
2 snatch @90% of your power snatch max for the day
3x8 panda pull
3x3 tall snatch
3x8 shoulder press+max unbroken push press
3 rounds
12 pendlay row #65
2 min plank
12 pendlay row #65
2 min plank
10x10 back squat totally controlled. This should be at about 80% intensity.
10x10 back squat totally controlled. This should be at about 80% intensity.
10x10 deadlift 80% intensity
10 rounds
5 pull ups strict
5 ring dips strict
5 pull ups strict
5 ring dips strict
3x10 Overhead lunge this is the same as last week i want the new position you've gained to become permanent
5x1 power clean and jerk+1 clean and jerk AHAP
Work to a max power clean and jerk for the day
10 min EMOM
2 clean and jerk @90% of your power clean and jerk max for the day
3x8 clean lift off. Lift off floor .5 inch and hold for 5 sec. Go heavy but only as heavy as you can while only lifting off the .5 inch
3x3 tall jerk
3x8 push jerk
5x1 power clean and jerk+1 clean and jerk AHAP
Work to a max power clean and jerk for the day
10 min EMOM
2 clean and jerk @90% of your power clean and jerk max for the day
3x8 clean lift off. Lift off floor .5 inch and hold for 5 sec. Go heavy but only as heavy as you can while only lifting off the .5 inch
3x3 tall jerk
3x8 push jerk
3 rounds
Overhead hold 95# for 1 min then straight into max push jerks with a SOLID lockout
Rest 1 min
Overhead hold 95# for 1 min then straight into max push jerks with a SOLID lockout
Rest 1 min
No maxing just hit the following reps and percentages for both snatch and clean and jerk.
That means you work all the way through with snatch then you start over and do it again with snatch. Repeat with clean and jerk.
No maxing just hit the following reps and percentages for both snatch and clean and jerk.
That means you work all the way through with snatch then you start over and do it again with snatch. Repeat with clean and jerk.
mountain climbers
mountain climbers
A 8 shoulder press
B 18 bent over row
A 8 shoulder press
B 18 bent over row
A 8 barbell curl
B diamond push ups
A 8 barbell curl
B diamond push ups
10x10 bench
3x3 front squat
3x3 front squat
12 min EMOM
3 power snatch@ 80% of your max for that day
3x10 snatch high pulls 3 sec pause just below knee. (Explode after the pause )
3x5 muscle snatch
3x8 BTN push press
3 power snatch@ 80% of your max for that day
3x10 snatch high pulls 3 sec pause just below knee. (Explode after the pause )
3x5 muscle snatch
3x8 BTN push press
3 rounds
30 wide grip pull ups
50 sit ups
30 wide grip pull ups
50 sit ups
10x3 Box squat (box at parallel)
10x3 Box squat (box at parallel)
5 rounds
1 minute all out run
20 burpees
1 minute all out run
20 burpees
3x10 Overhead lunge (the focus is for you to get the bar back over your heels but with your head through the arms and your spine not extended that means you have to keep your abs tight the whole time)
5x5 good morning
3x8Shoulder press
3x20 Clam shell each leg (use your sling shot)
5x5 good morning
3x8Shoulder press
3x20 Clam shell each leg (use your sling shot)
Work to max power clean and jerk (anything above parallel counts as a power. Remember though you don't want your feet any wider than they would be if you were squatting)
12 min EMOM
3 power clean and jerk@ 80% of your max for that day
3x10 clean high pulls 3 sec pause just below knee. (Explode after the pause )
3x5 tall clean
3x8 push jerk
Work to max power clean and jerk (anything above parallel counts as a power. Remember though you don't want your feet any wider than they would be if you were squatting)
12 min EMOM
3 power clean and jerk@ 80% of your max for that day
3x10 clean high pulls 3 sec pause just below knee. (Explode after the pause )
3x5 tall clean
3x8 push jerk
3 rounds
30 wide grip pull ups
50 sit ups
30 wide grip pull ups
50 sit ups
No maxing just hit the following reps and percentages for both snatch and clean and jerk.
That means you work all the way through with snatch then you start over and do it again with snatch. Repeat with clean and jerk.
No maxing just hit the following reps and percentages for both snatch and clean and jerk.
That means you work all the way through with snatch then you start over and do it again with snatch. Repeat with clean and jerk.
100 toes to bar
A 10 Stiff leg dead lift
B 30 sec L-sit from pull up bar (try to go the full 30 sec unbroken if you can't just accumulate the time)
A 10 Stiff leg dead lift
B 30 sec L-sit from pull up bar (try to go the full 30 sec unbroken if you can't just accumulate the time)
A 8 hip thrust 3sec pause at top
B 1 min plank (try to go the full 1 min unbroken if you can't just accumulate the time)
A 8 hip thrust 3sec pause at top
B 1 min plank (try to go the full 1 min unbroken if you can't just accumulate the time)
3x10 bench
Only do this if your hip is not bothering you
Thruster at 65
For a set to be completed it must be unbroken. If you fail a set it must be re done
Thruster at 65
For a set to be completed it must be unbroken. If you fail a set it must be re done
If your hip hurts do the same rep scheme but with push press focusing on getting your head through.
2 deload days
30 snatch 5 sec to knee then explode
40 btn snatch shoulder press
30 snatch balance
50 v ups
30 snatch 5 sec to knee then explode
40 btn snatch shoulder press
30 snatch balance
50 v ups
30 clean 5 sec to knee then explode
40 tall clean
30 half squat pause (squat to just above parallel and hold for 3 sec)
50 hollow rocks
30 clean 5 sec to knee then explode
40 tall clean
30 half squat pause (squat to just above parallel and hold for 3 sec)
50 hollow rocks
4 Weeks
5 minute EMOM
3 snatch 75%
5 minute EMOM
2 snatch 85%
5 minute EMOM
1 snatch 90%
3 rounds
21's Snatch grip RDL
30 GHD back extensions
15 OHS @ 80% snatch max
100 sit ups
5 minute EMOM
3 clean 75%
5 minute EMOM
2 clean 85%
5 minute EMOM
1 clean 90%
3x5 Clean deadlift 3 sec pause at center of knee cap (bar is the think was of a credit card from your lets the whole pull)
4 rounds
8 Front squat
12 Back squat
16 Inverted ring rows (hang rings from pull up bar then prop up feet so they are slightly higher than you hands, like and inch or two. Then it's just like a ring row....but way harder)
*Squats must be unbroken
40 seconds on 20 seconds off
8 rounds
3 min plank
5 minute EMOM
3 jerk 75%
5 minute EMOM
2 jerk 85%
5 minute EMOM
1 jerk 90%
3x10 shoulder press (hold for 2 seconds at the top every rep)
3x8 BTN push press (hold for 2 seconds at the top every rep)
3x10 triceps kickback (hold for 2 seconds at the end every rep)
3 minute tabata
Shoulder press
3 minute tabata
Push press
3 minute tabata
Push jerk
Use no more than 55lb for the these tabatas these are meant to be done back to back to back with no rest. If you set your tabata timer to 18 rounds you will just do 6 rounds at each station
5minute dead bug the entire spine must stay in contact with the floor the entire 5 minutes. That means you shouldn't be able to fit anything between your lower back and the floor.
No maxing just hit the following reps and percentages for both snatch and clean and jerk.
That means you work all the way through with snatch then you start over and do it again with snatch. Repeat with clean and jerk.
100 toes to bar
All are AHAP except bench
5x10 Hip thrusts (drive through quickly then lower as slowly as possible at least a 2 count)
5x8 Reverse lunges back rack
5x5 Back squat
6x10 Bench press (smooth and perfect this should be about 70% effort. We are looking at keeping all sides of the joint healthy here)
5x8 Bent over upright row (you should be about half way between a bent over row and an upright row. The bar will make contact at about the bottom of your sternum.
Deload week
30 Snatch (5 sec pull from floor to power position then explode.) Hit all three positions on the way back down between reps
20x 1 muscle snatch + 1 OHS
10 full snatch
40 BTN Snatch press
30 OHS
100 Sit ups
50 V-ups
25 Hollow Rocks
40 3 position clean w/3 sec pause at each stop. (Hit all three positions in the way back down between reps.)
30 Tall clean
20x 1full clean+3 1 and 1/4 squats
6 min wall sit
50 tall jerk
30x1 Halting jerk+2 shoulder press (3 sec pause at the bottom of dip) do the 2 shoulder press while in the split position
20 Split jerk
30 Push Press (4 sec negative)
40 3 pos snatch (3 sec at each stop)
40 3 pos clean 3 sec at each stop)
40 Pause front squat (3 sec at the bottom)
30 OHS
4 Weeks
The volume is quite a bit lower this time. That means you are working for quality above all else. Follow the percentages and reps the first week. The second week cut snatch, clean, and jerk reps in half and drop back 10-5%. All the rest of the movements cut 20% from the weights of the previous week. Week three go back to everything as it is written. Week 4 will be your deload week.
10 min EMOM
2 snatch@85%
Snatch 3x1 90%
4x5 snatch dead lifts (should be about 10%-20% above snatch max)
3x5 overhead squat AHAP
3 rounds
30 ghd sit-ups
30 ghd hip extensions
10 min EMOM
2 clean @85%
Clean 3x1 95%
5x3 front squat AHAP (all sets at same weight. That means you will progress up to about 95%ish before you start counting any of them)
5x5 stiff leg dead lifts
3x8 push press
3x8 shoulder press
3x8 bent over barbell row
3x8 box step ups (bar on back)
3x8 triceps kickback (band)
5 min AMRAP
overhead lunge 105 lbs
Max day
Warm up then you only get 3 attempts.
4x20 reverse hyper
5x8 glute bridge (on your sled thing)
10 min EMOM
2 jerk@85%
Jerk 3x1 90%
5x8 jerk lunge (8 reps each leg is one set. Step out into a jerk position and don't drop the back knee)
3x3 push jerk+1 thruster
10 40 meter sprints
200 sit ups
4 weeks of bringing everything together.
5x3 snatch, 2x1 snatch
5x5 power snatch
5x3 muscle snatch
5x10 snatch deadlift AHAP
5x8 zotts press
5x3 clean, 2x1 clean
5x5 power clean
5x3 tall clean
5x8 clean pull
5x8 1-1/4 squats
5x8 Push press
5x20 Hip extensions
5x10 Banded hamstring curls
8 rounds
TABATA Sprints
Max out
3 min Russian twists
3 min curl up 3-1-3
5x5 split press
5x3 tall jerk
5x3 jerk, 2x1 jerk
Back squat
4 Weeks of perfect positions.
15 min 3 pos snatch
10 min 3x2 snatch
10 min 5's panda pulls
15 min 21's RDL snatch grip
10 8's BTN snatch grip push press
15 min 3 pos clean
10 min 3x2 clean
10 min 3's high pull w/3 sec pause at knee
10 min 5's bent over row
10 min 3x4 7 sec paused front squat
15 min 5x8 deadlift
10 min 4x8 reverse hyper
10 min
A 3x21 barbell curl
B 3x21 shoulder press
5 min 3x10 hip abduction
8 min 10x 40 meter sprint
10 min 200 sit ups or 150 v ups
Max out
7 minute AMRAP
plate burpees
15 min 3's jerk
10 min BTN 5's jerk
15 min 2's tall jerk
20 min
Back squat
Work to 10 RM back squat
4 Week Hypertrophy and conditioning cycle
This will be a fun one. Some higher reps and a few lung burners just to keep us warms in the subzero temps!
4 Week Strength and Consistency Cycle
4 Week Conditioning Cycle
30 Snatch (5 sec pull from floor to power position then explode.) Hit all three positions on the way back down between reps
20x 1 muscle snatch + 1 OHS
10 full snatch
40 BTN Snatch press
30 OHS
100 Sit ups
50 V-ups
25 Hollow Rocks
40 3 position clean w/3 sec pause at each stop. (Hit all three positions in the way back down between reps.)
30 Tall clean
20x 1full clean+3 1 and 1/4 squats
6 min wall sit
50 tall jerk
30x1 Halting jerk+2 shoulder press (3 sec pause at the bottom of dip) do the 2 shoulder press while in the split position
20 Split jerk
30 Push Press (4 sec negative)
40 3 pos snatch (3 sec at each stop)
40 3 pos clean 3 sec at each stop)
40 Pause front squat (3 sec at the bottom)
30 OHS
4 Weeks
The volume is quite a bit lower this time. That means you are working for quality above all else. Follow the percentages and reps the first week. The second week cut snatch, clean, and jerk reps in half and drop back 10-5%. All the rest of the movements cut 20% from the weights of the previous week. Week three go back to everything as it is written. Week 4 will be your deload week.
10 min EMOM
2 snatch@85%
Snatch 3x1 90%
4x5 snatch dead lifts (should be about 10%-20% above snatch max)
3x5 overhead squat AHAP
3 rounds
30 ghd sit-ups
30 ghd hip extensions
10 min EMOM
2 clean @85%
Clean 3x1 95%
5x3 front squat AHAP (all sets at same weight. That means you will progress up to about 95%ish before you start counting any of them)
5x5 stiff leg dead lifts
3x8 push press
3x8 shoulder press
3x8 bent over barbell row
3x8 box step ups (bar on back)
3x8 triceps kickback (band)
5 min AMRAP
overhead lunge 105 lbs
Max day
Warm up then you only get 3 attempts.
4x20 reverse hyper
5x8 glute bridge (on your sled thing)
10 min EMOM
2 jerk@85%
Jerk 3x1 90%
5x8 jerk lunge (8 reps each leg is one set. Step out into a jerk position and don't drop the back knee)
3x3 push jerk+1 thruster
10 40 meter sprints
200 sit ups
4 weeks of bringing everything together.
5x3 snatch, 2x1 snatch
5x5 power snatch
5x3 muscle snatch
5x10 snatch deadlift AHAP
5x8 zotts press
5x3 clean, 2x1 clean
5x5 power clean
5x3 tall clean
5x8 clean pull
5x8 1-1/4 squats
5x8 Push press
5x20 Hip extensions
5x10 Banded hamstring curls
8 rounds
TABATA Sprints
Max out
3 min Russian twists
3 min curl up 3-1-3
5x5 split press
5x3 tall jerk
5x3 jerk, 2x1 jerk
Back squat
4 Weeks of perfect positions.
15 min 3 pos snatch
10 min 3x2 snatch
10 min 5's panda pulls
15 min 21's RDL snatch grip
10 8's BTN snatch grip push press
15 min 3 pos clean
10 min 3x2 clean
10 min 3's high pull w/3 sec pause at knee
10 min 5's bent over row
10 min 3x4 7 sec paused front squat
15 min 5x8 deadlift
10 min 4x8 reverse hyper
10 min
A 3x21 barbell curl
B 3x21 shoulder press
5 min 3x10 hip abduction
8 min 10x 40 meter sprint
10 min 200 sit ups or 150 v ups
Max out
7 minute AMRAP
plate burpees
15 min 3's jerk
10 min BTN 5's jerk
15 min 2's tall jerk
20 min
Back squat
Work to 10 RM back squat
4 Week Hypertrophy and conditioning cycle
This will be a fun one. Some higher reps and a few lung burners just to keep us warms in the subzero temps!
15 min 5x3 snatch
15 min 5x5 power snatch
10 min 4's panda pull
10 min 10's snatch grip shrugs
Mystery metcon
15 min 3 front squat+1 jerk
10 min 5x5 push jerk
15 min 5x3 front squat+push press+back squat+push press
10 min 5x5 shoulder press
10 min
5 rounds
A 1 min plank
B 1 min mtn. climber (knee to opposite elbow)
15 min 5x3 clean
15 min 5x5 power clean
10 min 4's clean deadlift
10 min 8's clean pull
10 min AMRAP
5 thrusters 135/95
10 push ups
20 min Max snatch
20 min Max clean and jerk
AFAP 200 sit ups
80 Russian twist
5 min 3rd world squat
15 min
A 4x8 narrow grip bench
B 4x10 bench press
15 min
A 3x20 jumping lunges
B 3x10 HSPU (free standing if possible)
15 min 5x5 back squat
15 min 3x3 back squat
4 Week Strength and Consistency Cycle
First off this cycle carries us through Christmas (11/30-12/26) so "Merry Christmas you filthy animals." Second start eating more of everything because you'll need it! We are trying out a a bit of a different format this cycle switching the max day and the accessory focused day. We also are going to be incorporating some more plyometric based movements for the purpose protecting the joints from constant loading. I'm excited about the next four weeks so get fired up, (you'll need that fire to keep warm in the dungeon.)
15min EMOM snatch @78%
10min 2's power position snatch
10min 8's hang snatch grip high pulls
10min 8's snatch grip 1st pull
15min AMRAP
10 push ups
20 sit ups
10 tuck jumps
15min work up to a heavy jerk double
15min EMOM 3's push jerk @70% of jerk double.
10min tall jerk 5's
A 3x21's shoulder press
B 3x21's barbell curl
5min plank
15min EMOM clean @78%
10min 2's power position clean
10min 8's hang clean grip high pulls
10min 8's clean grip 1st pull
10min 3x10 good morning
Max out Friday
Followed by a short metcon
A 3x10 landmine press
B 3x10 bent over row
A 3x15 toes to bar
B 3x20 squat jump
10min 3x8 front squat
10min 3x8 back squat
150 sit ups
500m row sprint
4 Week Conditioning Cycle
You will notice that this cycle is drastically different than the last cycle we just competed. Our last cycle was focused on the fact that we had a large number of pole competing in meets. Now we are effectively in an offseason since no one wants to pay to go to the American Open.
That being said we will be working on a little more GPP this cycle. We will give your joints a little bit of a rest (relatively speaking) and get your heart rate uncomfortably high. Those of you who are going to the State Championship will be fine to jump in to the cycle on the 12th so don't have an aneurysm when you see this.
Special notes to REMEMBER
40 sit ups
That being said we will be working on a little more GPP this cycle. We will give your joints a little bit of a rest (relatively speaking) and get your heart rate uncomfortably high. Those of you who are going to the State Championship will be fine to jump in to the cycle on the 12th so don't have an aneurysm when you see this.
Special notes to REMEMBER
- All the P's in the acronyms stand for PERFECT not possible
- Each set must be perfect to move on to next set. For example let's say I am on my first set of 5 for my 5x5 snatches. I do 3 perfect snatches and my 4th one is crap. Even if I make the crap snatch I still have to start the set over and complete 5 perfect reps. If you're just not feeling it that day and it's not coming together at 80% then feel free to drop back a little on the weight. The goal though is to end up with at least 25 perfect snatches or cleans at 80% by the end of the cycle.
- Remember if you are lifting somewhere without a coach you have to budget your time since this cycle doesn't have time domains. (Don't worry they will be back) After your warm up each day should take no longer than 90 min so keep that in mind.
- Don't think just feel.
- Presence is intensity.
5x5 snatch 80%
3x3, 3x1 hang snatch 3's 70% 1's at 85%
5x3 snatch balance set1 60% set2 75% set3 88%
21's RDL snatch grip deadlift AHAP
5x5 clean 80%
3x3, 3x1 hang clean 3's 70% 1's at 85%
10x10 clean pulls w/ 3 sec pause at knee AHAP
3x Max effort overhead hold at 55% of jerk max (jerk grip)
5x5 split jerk 80%
4x8 push jerk AHAP
3x8 Kang squats AHAP
3 rounds
10 box jumps
20 clapping push ups
10 Shoulder press @ 60%
5x5, 3x8 front squat AHAP (Focus on perfect posture)
20 clean&jerk @ 60%
20 snatch 60%
3x 500 meter sprint
3x Max effort overhead hold at 55% snatch max (snatch grip)
30 min Max for day on snatch and clean and jerk
Week 1=4's week 2=3's etc
15 min 5x5 overhead squats
4 rounds
20 pull ups
30 burpees
40 sit ups
Competition Prep. 6 Week Cycle
Reps for accessory movements per set are as follows. Unless otherwise written or specified. (Full complex counts as one rep)
Week 1=4
Week 2=2
Week 3=3
Week 4=2
Week 5=1
With the above rep scheme laid out you will be working up to AHAP (AS HEAVY AS PERFECT). That means perfect if there is an elbow bend that shouldn't be there, or a stumble, or an illegal press, or poor posture/positioning you will not go up in weight. If you do so help me you will literally vomit your soul out from copious burpees. Yes you will clean up your own soul vomit...
20 min 5x1 snatch (3rd attempt should be your opener for those going to University Nationals)
10 min Muscle snatch
15 min Snatch deadlift+panda pull w/3 second pause at knee.
15 min BTN snatch push press w/2 second hold at top
80 v-ups
20 min 5x1 clean and jerk (3rd attempt should be your opener for those going to University Nationals)
15 min Clean pull from floor first 7.5 min control weight on the way down. Second 7.5 min weight may be dropped to the floor
15 min 3 Front squat+jerk
10 min split position squat
100 sit ups
15 min front squat
15 min back squat
15 min jerk (since you will be gradually increasing weight start with push jerks then go to split when the weight necessitates.)
A Pendlay row
B Upright row
C 8 wide grip pull ups
10 min snatch @ 60% of max
If you are headed to nationals this day will be be slightly different. I will talk to you individually about what you'll be doing.
15 min BTN push press
15 min 3 dips+Power jerk w/3 sec pause in dip
10 min 6's seated good morning
10 min Clean and jerk @ 60% of max
50 Stick sit-ups
3x1 snatch up to max
3x1 clean and jerk up to max
3x3 3 sec pause front squat
The week before U Nats' (week 6) will be a deload week.
That will be posted the Saturday before the week starts.
Those of you going to State will have a few differences in what you are doing which I will go over with you.
Grace Under Pressure 4 Week Cycle
Get ready to drop the volume and up the intensity. We have drilled consistency now it is time to dial it in under pressure.
20 min
A 3 pos Power snatch
B 3 pos Snatch
15min Snatch (first 7 minutes work to a max with no hook or feet second 7 minutes keep weight above 85% of max but below 97%)
15 min
A 3s Snatch high pull
B 3s Panda pull
15 min 5x3 back squat (week one you will establish 1 RM during this time)
20 min
A 3 pos power clean
B 3 pos clean
15 min Clean (first 7 minutes work to a max with no hook or feet second 7 minutes keep weight above 85% of max but below 97%)
10 min 2s Clean pull w/ 3 second pause just BELOW KNEE (not touching the knee) at 100-120% clean max
15 min
A 8s land mine row (both arms)
B 15 banded toes to bar
15 min 6s 1/4 front squats AS HEAVY AS YOUR SOUL CAN HANDLE
20 min Competition jerk (first ten minutes work to a max with 3 second pause in dip second ten minutes work to max)
15 min 3s push press (keep between 85-90% FOR ALL SETS)
10 min 3x7 good mornings
15 min 3s narrow grip over head squat work up to max
A 6 bench press
B 3 narrow grip bench
15 min 6s single leg Bulgarian split squats (stay moderate on weight)
A 3x50 sit ups
B 3x8 upright row (grip halfway between clean and snatch)
C 3x80 sec plank
Work up to max or near max effort on all lifts.
5x1 snatch
5x1 c&j
4x3, 3x2 front squat
3x3 thruster
Deload Week
All of the weight this week will be the weight of the bar only. It is for a reason so don't try and be a hero, you will have plenty of weight next week.
30 Snatch (5 sec pull from floor to power position then explode.)
30 muscle snatch
20 full snatch
40 BTN Snatch press
30 Snatch Balance
100 Sit ups
50 V-ups
25 Hollow Rocks
40 First pull (Clean grip with slow movement and 3 sec pause at the knee. The bar better not be touching the knee!)
30 Pull to full extension with 3 second pause at full extension i.e. shoulders up and on tippy toes
30 Tall clean
30 full clean
3 min Russian baby makers
50 tall jerk
30 Halting jerk (3 sec pause at the bottom of dip)
20 Split jerk or Power Jerk or Squat Jerk (Whichever you plan to use in competition)
40 Shoulder press
30 Push Press (4 sec negative)
40 3 stop snatch pull (3 sec at each stop)
40 3 stop clean pull (3 sec at each stop)
40 1+1/4 Squat
30 OHS (3 sec pause at bottom)
You have a couple options for Saturday. If you're feeling spicy then ask. If you're feeling not spicy (something like the food you would find in the north east) also ask. Basically it is a surprise.
4 Week Consistancey Cycle
This new cycle is very different from our past cycles since there are more assigned percentages and there is more volume in some regards and less in others. The reason for this is that we need to perfect our form, and confidence, that doesn't happen at heavy weights. Don't worry about not maxing out as often, you're not going to loose your strength. Just come in perfect your movement, do the assistance exercises and you will see progress.
The 20 min EMOM on Monday and Tuesday will change as the cycle progresses. The goal is as follows week two 10 min EMOM 2 snatch/clean @75%. Week three 20 min EMOM 1 snatch/c&j @85%. Week four 10 min EMOM 2 snatch/clean @82%.
Also remember to check in on the conditioning WODS on the odd Saturdays.
Remember that the A/B sets are supersets.
20 min EMOM snatch @75%
15 min 21's Romanian snatch deadlift (go heavy but don't max you're doing real deadlifts tomorrow, this is as much about position as it is about strength)
10 min 4x Max Effort Pull ups (strict)
10 min 5's push press @85%
5 min L sit (Do your best rest as necessary if L sits are just not happening go to flutter kicks)
20 min EMOM clean @75%
30 min (REST AS NECESSARY! These are heavy lifts back to back keep your form perfect! If it's not perfect you're wasting everyone's time.)
A 3's deadlift
B 5's back squat
10 min 5x10 straight bar curl
15 min work up to max push jerk
15 min EMOM split jerk @90% of above max
15 min
A bench 3x7
B sit ups 3x50
10 min
10x150 meter sprints
15 min
A 5x10 lunges (each leg) AHAP
B 5x15 Box jumps
15 min
A 5x5 Sotts press
B 5x8 Bent over row
15 min
A 5x3 Shoulder press
B 5x10 Rhythm pull (use same weight as shoulder press nothing less than perfection is acceptable.)
10 min
5x10 weighted dips
1 min
Hollow rocks
10 @90% snatch
8 @90% clean and jerk
Front squat 5x5 (on 2nd and 4th weeks only)
1st and 3rd weeks we will have a conditioning workout after the snatch and clean and jerk. Those workouts will be posted so check in.
4 Week Speed and Power Cycle
Move quickly, move precisely, and move some weight.
2+1 snatch no hook grip + snatch 10 min
2+3+4muscle snatch + hang snatch +snatch balance 15 min
1's Snatch 15 min
A 5x5 BTN snatch grip
B 5x15 squat tuck jumps
3's clean from blocks 10 min
2+2+2 tall clean+front squat+push jerk 15 min
1's clean 15 min
A 5x5 front squat
B 1 min hollow rocks
Power position snatch + hang snatch + power position snatch 15 min
Power position clean + hang clean + power position clean 10 min
2+3 push jerk + split jerk 10 min
5x3 push press 8 min
5x3 BTN split jerk 8 min
4x9 back squat 10 min
3's push press 10 min
3's push jerk 10 min
2's split jerk 10 min
1's split jerk10 min
6x10 jerk dip and drive 10 min
Warm up
5x1 snatch
5x1 c&j
3's drop snatch 12 min
4 Week Strength Cylce
This cycle we are going to be focused on strength. The three areas that we will be focused on will be overhead, the first pull, and trunk/leg strength....oh yeah I guess that is basically the whole body. Ff you follow the times you could say that it is spiritual training by physical means... IF you work hard enough. Strength cycles are the easiest cycles to skimp on the work ethic but it will be evident who those people are when our next power cycle rolls into town. So don't be a coward and stay connected to the bar (no wandering/lallygagging), if you're not then you should apologize to your training partners for creating and oxygen deficient training environment...that's only a half joke.
Don't grind through this, yes it is a strength cycle, and yes it is difficult but we are always focused on perfection of movement. If the movement is not perfect (or on it's way to being perfect) then it's not worth much, so reduce the weight and make it perfect. No dirty looks from any of you either...
15 min 1's Snatch 85-95%
8 min 1's Pause snatch 5 sec pause@ knee
8 min Snatch pull from riser w/ 6 sec negative
10 min 3's Hang snatch+10 first pull+ 5 Praxis pull
10 min 4's Back squat (last rep of each 4 has 6 sec pause)
5 min Hollow Rocks (2 on 1 off 2 on)
15 min 1's Clean 85-95%
8 min 1's Pause clean 4 sec pause 1 inch below knee
8 min 3's Max effort Hang clean
10 min 3's Push press
10 min 4's lift off and hold 6 sec (follow through pull on last rep of each 4)
5 min triple extension holds (5x15 sec AHAP)
10 min 1's Snatch power position +85% effort
10 min 1's Clean power position +85% effort
10 min Muscle snatch+ 3 Drop snatch
10 min Tall clean thruster+ 3 Back squat
15 min 3's Front squat
100 sit ups
15 min Jerk (focus on perfect footwork)
10 min 2's Halting jerk 4 sec pause (do not dip your elbows you look like Quasimodo and you better not curl your pelvis under either unless you want to look like Urkel)
10 min 2's Push press
10 min 3's Power jerk
10 min Depth jump
5x3 Back squat (you don't squat you don't participate in the mock meet.)
Mock Meet
(Remember that the mock meet is just three attempts for a max snatch and three for a max clean and jerk. Take time to warm up and take reasonable amounts of time to rest between attempts, but this should be the shortest day of the week just stay focused and kill it.)
10 min 2 reps each leg Max overhead lunge (kiss the knee on the floor)
We squat a little more often during this cycle than usual but the time domains are shorter so make sure you hit it hard during those times and don't take half of the time working up in weight. They are at the end or close to the end of each workout so you should be fairly warm. So get after it.
Deload week
All of the weight this week will be the weight of the bar only. It is for a reason so don't try and be a hero, you will have plenty of weight next week.
30 Snatch (5 sec pull from floor to power position then explode.)
20 muscle snatch
10 full snatch
40 BTN Snatch press
30 OHS
100 Sit ups
50 V-ups
25 Hollow Rocks
40 First pull (Clean grip with slow movement and 3 sec pause at the knee)
30 Pull to full extension with 3 second pause at full extension i.e. shoulders up and on tippy toes
30 Tall clean
20 full clean
6 min wall sit
50 tall jerk
30 Halting jerk (3 sec pause at the bottom of dip)
20 Split jerk
30 Shoulder press
30 Push Press (4 sec negative)
40 3 stop snatch pull (3 sec at each stop)
40 3 stop clean pull (3 sec at each stop)
40 Pause front squat (3 sec at the bottom)
30 OHS
4 Week heavy conditioning cycle
All movements listed as 4’s decrease one rep per week
15 min Snatch 4's (Full snatch re-grip on the floor. Better only be on the floor long enough for the bar to settle... I'm watching you)
8 min 3x1st pull-> rhythm to pocket+hang snatch
10 min 3's Drop snatch or Snatch balance
10 min Snatch grip RDL 21's
17 min
A 5x8 Bar curl
B 5x8 Overhead squat
15 min Clean 4's (Full snatch re-grip on the floor. Better only be on the floor long enough for the bar to settle... I'm watching you)
10 min 3xHang clean+Slow pull clean
10 min 3 First pull+Full pull
(Next two movements focus on the dip movements having a piston like motion.)
8 min 8's Push press (as slow of negative as possible)
10 min 8 partial+5 full front squat
15 min
A 5x8 Ring dip
B 5x30 Stick sit up
15 min 4's Jerk
10 min 2x1 Squat jerk+1 Split jerk
10 min 3's Drop jerk
10 min 5's Handstand push up (2x45/35+25)
15 min
A 5x8 Scap row
B 5x8 Split position back squat
8 min 4's Tall clean and Jerk
8 min 4's Muscle snatch
8 min 4's Panda pull
8 min 8's Floor press
5 min 50 pull ups
8 min 100 Box jumps 40-24/36-20 ( Land at or above power position on top of the box)
Comp style warm up
Hit best # of Snatch and C&J
5x7 Back squat (3second pause in the bottom) 2 min rest between sets
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