Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Which Dialogue is Guiding the Conversation, Inner or Outer?

I was introduced to the concept of an inner and outer dialogue by some comments that were made about the personal journals of Henry David Thoreau. To be honest I can't remember anything about what was said but I do remember the idea of a dialogue between the inner and the outer.
This is a great way to conceptualize facing any challenge. Because there is this inner self that almost all of us have that is courageous, and strong, and fearless. Basically we all have a yolk and it's the only part of us that is "tasty." Then there is the outer self. This is the self that has become acquainted with the "real" world. This is the part of us that we also all possess who is constantly telling us that we can't do what we know we have the ability to accomplish. Yes that means that we all have a "white" the bland uninteresting adventure hating portion of ourselves.
There is no true struggle with outside forces in our lives, not really. Yes there are things that we cannot control. Yes there are people that inflict evil and terrible things on others in the world. The reason being is because we always have the ability to answer back to any and every opposition that may come present itself. When you get hit do you get up or do you stay down? When you fail miserably and publicly on the platform, do you come back and try again or do you slink away into the shadows? When you fall down when you're pushed down, when you are broken down is that where and how you stay?
Like it or not this opposing dialogue is always going on. Unfortunately because the "white" of our egg selves is a bit more in tune with the sophistries of our current environment the "white" always has a better spokesman. It is like the "white" portion of this ridiculous analogy hired the devil and slapped an attorney's suit on him and gave hime the keys to the kingdom. You know what that sucks, but it makes it oh so sweet when you take control.
Since the conversation is always going on then there is no reason not to give the reigns to the inner self that still knows how to dream and see beyond the horizon. You see a funny thing happens when you do this. Just like in nature when the egg is fertilized the yolk kicks in to over drive and eventually "CONSUMES" the white for energy! You hear that Satan you get devoured by and egg yolk in this weird weightlifting analogy. The funny thing is the developing life in the yolk can't survive without the white to be its' sustenance. That means without the naysaying inner self side of us there would not be enough fuel to unleash the power of the yolk! Ok I can't take this egg imagery anymore.
Suffice it to say that everyone of us is insulated by what seems to be the worst of us but without that we would run out of gas and stop developing. So next time you stand up a clean PR remember you might as well jerk it because you are now in charge of the conversation.

Friday, July 17, 2015

July 20-Aug 15

Get ready to drop the volume and up the intensity. We have drilled consistency now it is time to dial it in under pressure. 
20 min 
A 3 pos Power snatch 
B 3 pos Snatch
15min Snatch (first 7 minutes work to a max with no hook or feet second 7 minutes keep weight above 85% of max but below 97%)
15 min
A 3s Snatch high pull
B 3s Panda pull
15 min 5x3 back squat (week one you will establish 1 RM during this time)

20 min
A 3 pos power clean
B 3 pos clean
15 min Clean (first 7 minutes work to a max with no hook or feet second 7 minutes keep weight above 85% of max but below 97%)
10 min 2s Clean pull w/ 3 second pause just BELOW KNEE (not touching the knee) at 100-120% clean max
15 min
A 8s land mine row (both arms)
B 15 banded toes to bar

15 min 6s 1/4 front squats AS HEAVY AS YOUR SOUL CAN HANDLE 
20 min Competition jerk (first ten minutes work to a max with 3 second pause in dip second ten minutes work to max)
15 min 3s push press (keep between 85-90% FOR ALL SETS) 
10 min 3x7 good mornings

15 min 3s narrow grip over head squat work up to max
A 6 bench press
B 3 narrow grip bench
15 min 6s single leg Bulgarian split squats (stay moderate on weight)
A 3x50 sit ups
B 3x8 upright row (grip halfway between clean and snatch)
C 3x80 sec plank

Work up to max or near max effort on all lifts. 
5x1 snatch
5x1 c&j
4x3, 3x2 front squat 
3x3 thruster 

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Deload July 13-18

All of the weight this week will be the weight of the bar only. It is for a reason so don't try and be a hero, you will have plenty of weight next week.

30 Snatch (5 sec pull from floor to power position then explode.)
30 muscle snatch
20 full snatch
40 BTN Snatch press
30 Snatch Balance
100 Sit ups
50 V-ups
25 Hollow Rocks

40 First pull (Clean grip with slow movement and 3 sec pause at the knee. The bar better not be touching the knee!)
30 Pull to full extension with 3 second pause at full extension i.e. shoulders up and on tippy toes
30 Tall clean
30 full clean
3 min Russian baby makers

50 tall jerk
30 Halting jerk (3 sec pause at the bottom of dip)
20 Split jerk or Power Jerk or Squat Jerk (Whichever you plan to use in competition)
40 Shoulder press
30 Push Press (4 sec negative)

40 3 stop snatch pull (3 sec at each stop)
40 3 stop clean pull (3 sec at each stop)
40 1+1/4 Squat
30 OHS (3 sec pause at bottom)

You have a couple options for Saturday. If you're feeling spicy then ask. If you're feeling not spicy (something like the food you would find in the north east) also ask. Basically it is a surprise.