This new cycle is very different from our past cycles since there are more assigned percentages and there is more volume in some regards and less in others. The reason for this is that we need to perfect our form, and confidence, that doesn't happen at heavy weights. Don't worry about not maxing out as often, you're not going to loose your strength. Just come in perfect your movement, do the assistance exercises and you will see progress.
The 20 min EMOM on Monday and Tuesday will change as the cycle progresses. The goal is as follows week two 10 min EMOM 2 snatch/clean @75%. Week three 20 min EMOM 1 snatch/c&j @85%. Week four 10 min EMOM 2 snatch/clean @82%.
Also remember to check in on the conditioning WODS on the odd Saturdays.
Remember that the A/B sets are supersets.
20 min EMOM snatch @75%
15 min 21's Romanian snatch deadlift (go heavy but don't max you're doing real deadlifts tomorrow, this is as much about position as it is about strength)
10 min 4x Max Effort Pull ups (strict)
10 min 5's push press @85%
5 min L sit (Do your best rest as necessary if L sits are just not happening go to flutter kicks)
20 min EMOM clean @75%
30 min (REST AS NECESSARY! These are heavy lifts back to back keep your form perfect! If it's not perfect you're wasting everyone's time.)
A 3's deadlift
B 5's back squat
10 min 5x10 straight bar curl
15 min work up to max push jerk
15 min EMOM split jerk @90% of above max
15 min
A bench 3x7
B sit ups 3x50
10 min
10x150 meter sprints
15 min
A 5x10 lunges (each leg) AHAP
B 5x15 Box jumps
15 min
A 5x5 Sotts press
B 5x8 Bent over row
15 min
A 5x3 Shoulder press
B 5x10 Rhythm pull (use same weight as shoulder press nothing less than perfection is acceptable.)
10 min
5x10 weighted dips
1 min
Hollow rocks
10 @90% snatch
8 @90% clean and jerk
Front squat 5x5 (on 2nd and 4th weeks only)
1st and 3rd weeks we will have a conditioning workout after the snatch and clean and jerk. Those workouts will be posted so check in.